Congratulations! Barkley Court Reporters is a recognized San Francisco Green Business!
Serving law firms, corporate general counsel, and the entertainment industry, Barkley Court Reporters is Californias largest and oldest privately held court reporting company. Barkley offers videoconferencing, video synchronization, internet streaming, remote, secure access to documents, electronic repositories and trial technology services. A few of the practices we have begun to incorporate as a Green Business include:
* Purchasing and using environmentally friendly supplies and products, such as refillable toner cartridges and post-consumer content paper
* Purchasing Energy Star-rated office equipment and appliances
* Conserving fossil fuels by encouraging the use of public transportation by all employees
* Participating in Spare the Air campaigns
* Offering the availability of secure, online access to transcripts and exhibits via the BarkleyWeb™ instead of paper
* Partnering with global ReLeaf campaign. We will plant a tree for every paperless transcript ordered in the name of the client or participating Law Firm